Wednesday, September 21, 2016

President Lincoln is 3 months…What???


As we walked into the waiting room for Lincoln’s cardiologist appointment, I noticed the young man with Down Syndrome sitting by whom I assumed was his mom. A few seats down was an elderly gentleman. I assumed it to be his dad. As Britt and I sat there waiting, I imagined us sitting there in about 20 years with Lincoln. Only, maybe we will be one of the 40% with DS without heart issues. The young man with DS was caressing his mom’s hair and touching her arm or hand as he waited. She seemed tense. I imagined she was concerned about his health or they wouldn’t have been there. I soaked up every move and every reaction, because I am learning what I have to look forward to.

We took Precious to the city today for his 3 month checkup and an appointment with the pediatric cardiologist which included an EKG. He weighs 12 lbs and is 25" long. After a rough first month, I’m thrilled with his progress.  It was great talking with the pediatrician in Spanglish and learning he has 7 kids. We were very pleased to learn that Lincoln doesn’t have any of the health issues that often show up with least for now. He will continue to have regular checkups watching for common issues like thyroid, heart and hearing. Tomorrow, we take him back to the city for an ECHO with the same cardiologist. It’s all precautionary and tests which will help in his later years when issues are more likely to surface.

It was hard to keep the boy still, from grabbing wires, and rolling off the table.

Apparently, the milestones that Lincoln has been accomplishing are due in great part to all the attention he gets at home. Because of his constant stimulation from all his adoring siblings, he smiled, rolled over, “talked”,  and is very close to perfect head control all within the normal baby range. I think we’ve discovered Kate’s new calling…physical therapy. She’s been daily working with him in strengthening his weaker muscles…head control, hand control, etc. And her efforts are proving worth her time, even though he often cries through it.  I’m so thankful for these kids and how much they truly care about their baby brother.

Many have asked me how I’m doing. I think you are probably actually asking me how I’m dealing with the DS. I’ve gone through a lot of different emotions. I read somewhere in my research that it’s okay to grieve the loss of the normal child you thought you were going to have. It’s a relief for me to know that’s normal…and okay. I think it’s going to be an emotion that will pop up often. I catch myself often planning my child’s future out for him, only to remember he won’t have a normal future.  There’s a sadness there. But then I remind myself how so many have told me what joy the DS child brings to his family. I can already see it in our family. And that’s what I focus on.

Thank you for all of your concern and prayers for us as we continue on this journey with little Lincoln. He’s already brought our family and friends incredible joy. He will never lack for attention nor love.

the only time he isn’t moving

Kate helps me with therapy. But his lady bug friend has also been a huge help.

Lincoln loves his hands, and is taking special interest in his thumb.

Yes, 3 months old!

Reagan is teaching him about his favorite cars.

Morgan gets him to smile so easily.

they adore each other…for now

mesmerized by the hammock netting

He’s 25" long now.

Mommy can always get him to smile.

I love that his biggest smiles include his whole face…and his hands.

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