Thursday, February 18, 2016

The verdict is in...and a new place to call home

Britt's in the city at the moment with Jorge and Julia. I just got the call from him with the verdict, although it's not the final verdict. They did detect cancer in the lump from the biopsy two weeks ago. 

As I'm sure is the case with our dear people, many thoughts are passing through my mind. They are doing another biopsy at the moment. They have to determine the next course of action. I'm sure the fact that her lump had shrunk and that she's pregnant are both determining factors as to where to go from here. 

I'm not sure yet the demeanor of this couple at the moment. But if I were to guess, it's not much different than it was on Monday. They are some of the strongest people in their faith of any people I've met. They will continue to be a light on this journey they've been given. 

I will continue to update you all as I know more. We so appreciate your prayers. The enemy is weak against many mighty prayer warriors. 

A little side note that will give you a glimpse of life for these leaders in their little community: 
I wrote a blog about a year ago about Jorge and Julia deciding to move from her family's house about 15 minutes from here, in Parramos and returning back down here to Jocotenango to be close to the people they are ministering to. They didn't have money for rent for anything decent. Through faithful friends through our ministry, God has provided the funds for them to live in a decent house this past year. However, their landlord is not a Christian and has been very disgruntled by the sounds coming from all the different Bible studies they hold through out the week...namely worship music. There have been several close terminations on their year lease. But God has shown himself faithful to their faithfulness with each incident. Since their lease expires the beginning of March, they've been looking for a different place to move within the same area. They found several places which all fell through. But yesterday, Britt got the call that they had found a place about a block away and they could move in that day. Yesterday they found the place and yesterday it took about an hour for them to move in. When Britt and the boys returned from helping them move, we kind of laughed over the difference of that whole process and how that would never have happened in just one day back home. So today, we are thankful for a new place for them to call home. Their new landlord had no problem with knowing they will be holding noisy Bible studies in this house throughout the week. 

I really wish you all could meet our people. It would effect your lives in an amazing way as it has our own. But may these little stories that I'm able to share with you give you a simple glimpse of what you can't experience in person.

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