Thursday, December 31, 2015

Harman Kids...a 2015 Review

Mickey has been gone now for 13 months. We miss him a lot around here. Although, I’m glad not be in charge of keeping that boy fed anymore. He is now working at his second ranch, which is in Wyoming. It’s a smaller ranch and he’s their only employee. His grandparents were able to visit him this past fall and sent back a very good report on his new life as a ranch hand. In the past year, he has purchased his own truck, trailer, cow, and horse. He has a 10 year plan, and he’s well on his way to meeting his goal. He wasn’t able to visit us over the holidays, as he has been covering the ranch while his boss had knee replacement surgery on both knees. He absolutely loves what he does, and they seem to think he’s one-of-a-kind. He makes us proud. 

Pierce is in the 11th grade this year and keeps busy designing on his computer. Really, I don’t know much about his’s technology beyond my experience. Pierce is a deep thinker, which always makes our class discussions over their reading material much more interesting. He debates every topic. I have no idea where he got that from. He grew a ton this year, surpassing his dad in height by about an inch or so. 
Clint is also in the 11th grade this year. He’s our witty one. He’s often quoting lines from movies that make us smile or respond with another line. He has been mentioning his desire to use his artistic ability through design on the computer. He would do great if he can find the right niche for it. Clint is a polite and easy child. A delight to have around. He has also grown a ton this year, over six feet now. 

Kate is also in 11th grade this year. She’s changed so much this past year. Going from still looking like a girl to developing into a beautiful young lady. She got her braces off this summer, leaving her with a gorgeous smile. She’s a diligent hard worker with many goals and desires. She's a talented artist and calm in emergency situations. So her future holds many options. She surpassed her grandma in height this year, which was one of her goals. I’m so thankful to have her around with a new baby coming. She will be invaluable. 

Meg is in the 7th grade this year. She’s little miss independent. She loves to learn and often rattles off facts she’s recently read, especially if they pertain to horses or dogs. She is our animal lover. She knows every dog in the neighborhood, some by name. She follows the major horse racing events with her dad. She's also, next to Mickey, the most take-charge member of the house. So when Britt and I leave the house, she pretty much runs it. She knows how I run the house and she enforces it, probably better than I do sometimes. She’s her daddy’s girl, often in our room until late at night just so she can be close. 

Morgan is in some primary grade, maybe 2nd. It’s just that way in the homeschool world. When it really matters, we’ll figure it out. Morgan is always the first one up in the morning, and he already has a plan when he wakes up. And then his next thought is food. I think he eats or wants to eat as often and as much as Mickey did when he lived here. Morgan laughs a lot, and I love his dimpled smile. He tells me he loves me more than any of the other kids. Yep, he's my favorite. ;) (please realize that's a joke) He has a ton of energy which is often difficult to use up in our somewhat confined spaces. Morgan is also a deep thinker, and will often bring up and ask about topics beyond his years. He loves to draw and create. I believe he’s inherited the artistic gene as well. 

Reagan is also in a primary grade, maybe 1st. It hit me the other day as we’ve noticed quite a change in him lately (meltdowns easily, whiny, and angry responses to authority) that he may be suffering from the realization that he’s being ousted from his long beloved position as baby of the household. With this in mind, I'm trying to be more sensitive to this traumatic change he is adjusting to. Reagan is an imitator. He is often seen moving throughout the house impersonating his latest favorite superhero. He makes awesome sound effects, and has quite the imagination. He and Morgan play together as a sibling combination better than any of the other kids did. They play Legos for hours without issues. One of the things I love most about Reagan is listening to him pray. He is always the first to volunteer to pray at meals. He thinks of things to be thankful for that most of us would overlook. 

Baby #8, as you all have read about from my previous post, is going to get a ton of attention. It will be interesting raising a baby in a culture so different from our own. I may be writing a blog just about that one of these days. It’s going to be quite an adventure. And as our peers are heading off to retirement, we’ll be re-entertaining the teen years with an only child. Sounds adventurous...may God give us the strength to keep up.

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